Important Dates
Sunday, November 25, 2024, is
Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
It is on November 25th each year
The Following Presentations Are About
The Role of Religion in Violence Against
End it Now
End Violence Against Women and Children
Fr om
Subordination to Equality in Christ Added November 22, 2011
This slide presentation is
prepared by Annick Brennen in support of the International Day for the
Elimination of Violence Against Women. Click on the link to download
the PDF presentation. "Religion is harmful if its tenets and
application create the conditions for and perpetuate gender-based
discrimination. . . Practically all religions in the world are dominated by
males, and gender discrimination has its genesis in these religions. How did
men and women come to believe, accept, and institutionalize gender
discrimination? Read more
Biblical Patriarch y and
Violence Against Women Added November 22, 2011
"Gender-based violence, which impairs or nullifies the enjoyment by women of
human rights and fundamental freedoms under general international law or
under human rights conventions, is discrimination within the meaning of
Article 1 of the Convention . . . Patriarchy is defined as “a
state or stage of social development characterized by the supremacy of the
father in the clan or family in both domestic and religious functions, the
legal dependence of wife, or wives, and children, and the reckoning of
descent and inheritance in the male line”
Read more in the presentation
Understanding a nd
Responding to Violence Against Women Added November 24, 2011
Violence against Women: Is It Imaginary or Exaggerated? Studies on violence
against women (VAW) have been carried out by a wide variety of bodies,
including government ministries, national statistical offices, universities,
international agencies, NGOs and women’s rights organizations.
“According to 2006 United Nations report, at least one survey on VAW had
been conducted in 71 countries and at least one national survey was
available in 41 countries.” Read more
Ont ological Equality
Hierarchy and Function Subordination Addend November
22, 2011 This article is written by Dr. Alan Myatt, Guest
Professor of Theology at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary,
Charlotte, NC. He taught at Baptist Theological College of São
Paulo, Brazil and was chair of Theology and Philosophy of Religion
at South Brazil Baptist Theological Seminary. His publications
include Teologia Sistemática (awarded two Arete prizes) and numerous
articles such as “Fides Reformata,” “Religion and Social Policy,”
and “Vida Acadêmica.”
Read more
- The Following Articles Are About Education and
Learning by Annick or articles by other writers
Time Management
- Slide Presentation (No software needed) Use right arrow to move slides