ABOUT US - Information about the Brennens and Sounds of Encouragement



About Barrington & Annick Brennen

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Barrington H. Brennen, MA, NCP, BCCP verified by GoodTherapy.org






Brief Introduction Undated October 2022


Sounds of Encouragement Association is a media and counseling organization started in 1984 that is "Dedicated to the Restoration of Life" through the mediums of this website, published articles, seminars, videos and radio programs.  For more than three decades it has been "Helping people smile again."  


Barrington H. Brennen is a marriage and family therapist [ Web page ] and counseling psychologist (for 28 years).  He is the provider for Marriage and Family Counseling Services, Nassau, The Bahamas.

He provides psychotherapy for individuals, couples, families, teens and toddlers.  He conducts seminars for families, couples, singles, corporations, schools, churches, etc.   He also provides trauma response for those who have experienced national disasters, personal trauma, etc. He also has special training in critical incident/disaster response, anger management, intimate partner abuse, family violence, anger management, preparing for marriage. 


He is also a director/trainer/facilitator for Prepare Enrich, an organization providing assessment tools for pre-married and married couples. [ Web page ]  


He is a nationally certified psychologist and board-certified clinical psychotherapist (USA); a Justice of the Peace for the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, marriage officer for The Bahamas, musician, writer, armature graphic artist, handyman (he loves carpentry), inspirational speaker,  husband for  45 years (July 21, 1977), father of two children, father-in-law, grandfather of four, and a lover of people.  His goal in life is to "help people smile again."


He is a active member of following professional organizations (2021):

Bahamas Psychological Association (BPA)
American Psychological Association (APA)

American Counseling Association  (ACA)

International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (iAMFC)

International Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA)


He is the speaker for a "Your Daily Relationship Nugget," a seven to ten minute radio program sharing information and hope for families, couples, individuals, parents, divorced, teenagers, the lonely, depressed, etc..  It is currently being aired in The Bahamas on WORDSBC 88.3 FM and in Cayman Island on Praise89.7 FM and on Life FM 101.7 Belize.


Barrington H. Brennen is co-founder and co-president along with his wife Annick (pronounced "Annique") of Sounds of Encouragement Association (SOE) and Council for Family Research (CFR, a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration of life and helping people smile again through the mediums of seminars, workshops, publications, radio, television, and research.  He is also the founder of The Bahamas National Friendship Day held on the fourth Wednesday in November each year.   Read full bio


Annick M. Brennen is a co-president of Sounds of Encouragement Association.  She is a retired educational administrator, education consultant, and freelance rapporteur. Link  


Click here Barrington's Complete Bio







Quotes by Barrington H. Brennen


"Gender equality means that under God and the law both male and female
have equal voice, vote, authority, access, opportunity and protection."


"Gender quality does not force or require gender roles. 

It frees one to make his or her own choice about roles."


"Gender equality is a Creation design and

a post-Calvary mandate."


"Women do not want men to lead them. 

They want men to lead with them."



"Marriage is not a solo, it is a "duet" between a man and a woman singing together around the piano of unconditionally loving and acceptance. Each spouse produces a distinct tone. A healthy marriage occurs when these two individuals, over time, have learned how to blend sweetly their individual "tones" (differences, likes, dislikes, attitudes and behaviors) to form another unique
and special harmonious sound–the marriage harmony."
Barrington H. Brennen, 2006


"Dads cannot breast feed. But dads have strong arms. They can hold their little ones for hours. Along with breast feeding as a primary form of nurture, so is holding your infant in your arms close to you and cuddling it for as long as you can. A woman cannot breast feed for hours and a time. But a father can hold his son literally for hours with no side effects."
Barrington H. Brennen, 2003



Theme Text

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you
not only the gospel of God but our lives as well,
because you had become so dear to us."

1 Thessalonians 2:8



Sargent Brennen (1996 to 2006)

He was a wonderful member of the Brennen family. 

He lived in the home helping us to sleep peacefully each nights.  He was a fun dog.   In his old age he did not like to see little children arguing or fighting.  He would growl at them and sometimes snap at them.   We had to keep him away from little children because he would misinterpret a vigorous play time for a fight.   He also did not like adults to argue.  He loved to eat vegetables (but not pigeon peas), coconut, avocado pear.  He will never be forgotten.





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Permission is granted to place links from these articles on social media like Google+, FaceBook, etc..   Permission is also granted to print these pages and to make the necessary copies for your personal use, friends, seminar, or meeting handout. You must not sell for personal gain, only to cover the cost to make copies if necessary.    Written permission (email) is needed to publish or reprint articles and materials in any other form.    Articles are written by Barrington H. Brennen, Counseling Psychologist and Marriage & Family Therapist.

P.O. Box CB-11045, Nassau, The Bahamas.     
Phone contact is 242-327 1980 Land / 242-477-4002 Cell and WhatsApp   
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"Dedicated to the restoration of life."