Beatitudes to Teenagers
Written By Barrington H. Brennen in
1983, Updated 2019
While living on Exuma Island, The
are the
teenagers who never confuses love with lust.
Blessed are the
teenagers who develop self control over their desires
Blessed are the
teenagers who prefer a few years on loneliness, than a whole life of misery.
Blessed are the
teenagers who develop their bodies physically for it pleases God
are the teenagers who study their lessons well so they may develop intellectually
Blessed are the
teenagers who refuse all forms of illegal drugs, liquor and tobacco, for they
are not good for the mind and body.
Blessed are the
teenagers who love and honor their parents, for they will live long
Blessed are the
teenagers who respect their teachers for they will be greatly honored.
Blessed are the
teenagers who treat others as they treat themselves for it is good in God’s
are the
teenagers who do not cheat or lie in school or at home for they will grow as
children of God.
are the
teenagers who do not let smart phones and other dives dictate to their behavior
for they will create a healthy mind and body.
are the
teenagers who governs well the use of social media platforms in their personal
lives to guard against emotional dwarfism, frivolous
gossip, flirtatious behavior, and idleness.
Blessed are the
teenagers who gives their hearts to Jesus when they are young for when they are
old they will receive rich reward.