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Pastoral Mini Survey on Amendments

To the Constitution of The Bahamas

 And The Policy on Gender Equality

August 1, 2014



1. After reading the four main amendments to the constitution on citizenship and rights, do you fully support them without reservations?  [ See documents links below ]

Yes, I fully support the amendments without reservations
Yes, I support but with some reservations
No, I cannot support the amendments in any way

2. It is your view that these amendments violate your Christian beliefs

No, I do not believe that they violate my Christian beliefs in any way
Yes, I believe that the amendments violate by Christian beliefs
No Sure

3. It is you view that the Gender Equality Policy is in harmony with Biblical principles.

Yes, I do agree that the gender equality policy is in harmony with Biblical principles.
No, I do not agree that the gender policy is in harmony with Biblical principles
No sure

4. My Gender


5. My ministerial status

Licensed only (ministerial intern)
Not ordained or licensed yet

6. My social status

Single never married

7. My Comments Here