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Family Life and Behavior Survey

For High School Students

By The Council for Family Research (The Bahamas)

March 30, 2011

Join the teenagers from around the world who are taking this survey.  Feel free to check the results after you have completed the survey and as often as you can.  Just scroll to the bottom of this page and click "Current Results"

You are only allowed one time to take the survey.  Be honest.

Simply tick or select all the relevant answers below.

1. Gender

2. My Age

3. The Country Where I live (Or territory that includes your country)

4. School Grade I am In

5. My Living Environment

I live with both of my biological parents
I am adopted
My parents are married to each other
My father is not married to my mother
My mother is not married to my father
My mother has never been married
My father has never been married
I live with a friend
I live with another relative
I live by myself
I live in a Christian home
I am not happy where I am living
At least one of my parents use drugs or alcohol
At least one of my parents gamble
6. Behavior

I am a virgin (never had physical sex)
I believe nothing is wrong with sex before marriage
I have had sex at least once
I engage in sex whenever I want to
I have engaged in oral sex
I have engaged in anal sex
I am a practicing homosexual
I was pregnant and had an abortion
I have a child
I smoke tobacco
I use marijuana
I use cocaine
I drink alcohol
A television is in my bedroom

7. Television Viewing During School Days

I watch television for less the one hour a day
I watch about 2 hours a day
I watch about 3 hours a day
I watch about 4 hours a day
I watch at least 5 hours a day
I watch at least 6 hours a day
I watch more than 6 hours a day
8. Social Life

I am engaged to be married
I have a serious romantic relationship
I am waiting until the right time to have a love relationship
I am under lots of pressure to have sex but will not give in
My friends think I am stupid because I do not do what they want me to do

9. My Spiritual Life

I am a Christian
I do not believe in God
I pray and read my Bible every day
I am active in church
I care nothing about church and Christianity
I am an Adventist
I am a Baptist
I am a Catholic
I am a Anglican
I am a Jehovah Witness
I am a Bahai
I am a Jew
I am Assemblies of God
I am a Brethren
I am a Morman
I am Methodis
I am Church of God
I am of another faith not mentioned here

10. My Bed Time During School Days

I go to bed at 7 P.M
I go to bed at 7:30 P.M
I go to bed at 8 P.M
I go to bed at 8:30 P.M
I go to bed at 9 P.M
I go to bed at 9:30 P.M
I go to bed at 10 P.M
I go to bed at 10:30 P.M
I go to bed at 11 P.M
I go to bed at 11;30 P.M
I go to bed at 12 Midnight
I got to bed after midnight most nights of the week

11. My Parents Sleep Time

My parents go to bed before me most nights of the week
My parents go to bed the same time I do most nights of the week
I go to bed before my parents most nights of the week
It does not matter to my parents what time I go to bed

12. Hours of Sleep

I sleep less that one hour most nights of the week
I sleep for 2 hours most nights of the week
I sleep for 3 hours most nights of the week
I sleep for 4 hours most nights of the week
I sleep for 5 hours most nights of the week
I sleep for 6 hours most nights of the week
I sleep for 7 hours most nights of the week
I sleep for 8 hours most nights of the week
I sleep for 9 hours most nights of the week
I sleep for 10 hours most nights of the week
I sleep more that 10 hours most nights of the week

13. Household Chores

I do chores around the house each day
My parents assign chores for me to do
I keep my bedroom clean
I joyfully help in keeping the house clean