Philosophy of Education
2000, By Annick M. Brennen, MA

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Index of the Document

  1. What is Education?
  2. Ellen G. White’s Purpose and Meaning of Christian Education
  3. The Purpose of Education
  4. The Meaning of Education
  5. What is Educational Philosophy?
  6. Educational Philosophies of Distinguished Philosophers
  7. Leo XIII’s Position on Proper Religious and Moral Instruction
  8. The Value of Futurism to Education
  9. The Application of Reconstructionism to Education
  10. Educational Value of Humanism
  11. Educational Value of Progressivism
  12. Educational Value of Perennialism
  13. The Educational Value of Behaviorism
  14. Educational Value of Essentialism
  15. Educational Value of Existentialism
  16. A Critique of Plato’s Philosophy of Education as Given in The Republic
  17. The Eden School
  18. The Schools of the Prophets
  19. Jesus the Master Teacher: His Method
  20. His Mission
  21. His Preparation for Ministry
  22. His Qualifications
  23. His Teaching Scope
  24. His Philosophical Base
  25. His Content
  26. His Methods
  27. The Aims of Seventh-Day Adventist Education
  28. Are Seventh-Day Adventists Unique in Their Idea That the Church Should Be
    Concerned with Both the Temporal and Spiritual Aspects of Man’s Life?
  29. Content-Centered Approach Versus Child-Centered Approach to Education
  30. The Child-Centered Educational Approach
  31. The Content-Centered Educational Approach
  32. Curriculum and Teaching Method of the (A) Idealist, (B) Realist, and (C) Pragmatist
  33. The Curriculum of the Idealist
  34. The Teaching Method of the Idealist
  35. The Curriculum of the Realist
  36. The Method of the Realist
  37. The Curriculum of the Pragmatist
  38. The Method of the Pragmatist


  2. What is Philosophy?
  3. The Aims and Tasks of Philosophy
  4. Metaphysical Questions
  5. Are Most Philosophers Atheists?
  6. Relationship Between Science and Philosophy
  7. Definition of Terms
  8. Idealism: Ultimate Reality Is Non-Material and Mental
  9. The Correspondence Theory of Truth Versus The Coherence Theory of Truth
  10. The Criterion for Knowledge
  11. The Sources of Knowledge
  12. World Views
  13. Essence of World Views
  15. The Philosophical Positions of (A) Idealism, (B) Realism, (C) Pragmatism
  16. What Is Pragmatism?
  17. The Seeking of Knowledge as a Transaction
  18. The Core of Idealism
  19. Dichotomous Reality of the Idealist
  20. New Realism Versus Critical Realism
  21. What Is Sense Realism?
  22. Bishop Berkeley’s Idea of Reality - My Position
  23. What Is Scholasticism
  24. Am I an Idealist, a Realist, or a Pragmatist?
  25. Every Rational Person is a Philosopher
  26. GOD
  27. Logical Arguments for the Existence of God
  28. The Cosmological Argument
  29. The Teleological Argument
  30. Who Is God?
  31. Why Do I Believe in a God I Cannot See - My Response to an Atheist
  33. The Nature of Human Beings
  34. The Personal Dimension
  35. The Spiritual Dimension
  36. The Mental Dimension
  37. The Social Dimension
  38. The Moral Dimension
  39. The Physical Dimension
  40. Scientific Principles that Lend Support to the Theory of Creation
  41. Comparison of the Approach of Adventist Scientists and Worldly Scientists
  42. Points of Agreement
  43. Points of Disagreement
  44. What Do the Fossil Records Indicate?
  45. A Comparison Between What Evolution Predicted and What Creation Predicted in Fossil Record
  46. The Significance of Eintein’s Theory
  47. Cloning

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