Here’s How to Love the Other Gender
Gender Equality Rightly Understood, Part Two (One)
By Barrington H. Brennen, July 17,
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stated in an earlier article that gender equality is a
Creation design and a post-Calvary mandate. This means that
equality of the genders is how God intended it to be from
the beginning of time. However, sin brought on confusion by
creating a struggle for power between the genders. This
struggle distorted the true image of God. Hierarchy
displaced partnership and companionship. Then Jesus came to
redeem humans and to “restore” in humans, through his
sacrifice, the image of God. That is to remind us that He
created everyone to have equal power, voice, vote, access,
and opportunity in the home, church and community.
Galatians 3:28 bring this out very clearly. It says “There
is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female.
For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
"Gender equality is equal power, voice
vote, access, opportunity and protection."
Barrington H. Brennen
the secular-minded individuals, skeptics, atheists, and
those of other religions, it is fair to say that gender
equality does not loose it meaning or purpose outside of
Christianity. Gender equality is fairness, justice, mercy,
and the innate drive to treat each one, regardless of
gender, as companions and not competitors. It is male and
female receiving equal treatment with the avoidance of any
coloring of discrimination just based on gender.
thousands of years, too many societies have been built on
the “gender-competitive” model or “gender-superiority” model
of governance, where men have greater power, voice, access
and opportunity. Thus women had to push, and push through
the thick walls of misconception, tradition,
discrimination, injustice, unfairness, rape, violence, just
to be heard and to be treated fairly. In
1998 I wrote these words: “It is noted that on July
19, 1848, a political and social movement was born in the
United States. Three hundred persons, including 40 men
traveled by horse-drawn wagons and by foot, from up to 50
miles away, to Seneca Falls, New York, to protest the legal
bondage of American women and to demand full equality. It
was the first women’s right convention to demand greater
civil liberties for women, including the right to vote and
to get an education. They came together to rewrite the
United States constitution and to sign the Declaration of
Sentiments which proclaimed that all men and women were
created equal. During this occasion the Declaration of
Sentiments presented a list of evils against women. It said:
"The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries
and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in
direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over
her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid
equality policy will put women
men as their equal partners in
society. It will reduce the
possible of men lording over women and
silencing their voices. It will provide
the legal frame work for women to be
protected from gender-specific violence
of all kinds."
Barrington Brennen
the time, the leaders of the movement made it very clear
that it was not the intention of the movement to take over
power from men (that would be equally evil) but to be able
to sit at the tables of decision-making with them. They
wanted to share power with them. The women believed, and
rightly so, that they should be free to make their own
decisions, get and education, own property; join in
governing, and given equal opportunity for leading positions
in the society and the church. It is simply equal voice,
vote, power access and opportunity.
confuse gender equality with tasks and roles. They fear
that the implementation of gender equality policy because
they believe it will put women above men, or give women
opportunities and voice where some say they should not have
it. (Gender equality policy will
put women beside
men as their equal partners
in society. It will reduce the possible of men lording
over women and silencing their voices. It will provide the
legal frame work for women to be protected from
gender-specific violence of all kinds) Kindly
remember, gender equality is providing a legal framework for
a level playing field between the genders. That is so
anyone regardless of the gender, can decide what he or she
wants to do, where to work, what to study in college, of or
when to have children, etc. It is also about discouraging
one gender from hurting the other simply because he or she
has a diminishing view of the other gender. It is
illuminating gender-specific violence of all kinds. Note
carefully, the gender quality policy gives public freedom to
the male or female to be a stay-at-home parent, to have
equal access to job, education, and equal pay and not to he
raped, killed, abused, just because on one’s gender.
Gender discrimination has been painfully too high in our
land. Unfortunately, some of the
greatest proponents of
gender discrimination are women themselves. They may not
realize it, but it is true. Far too many women are still
teaching their daughters to be dependent on a man and how to
be subservient instead of an equal partner. Recently a
teenager told me that she is looking forward to being a
wife. I asked her what was her understanding of being a
wife? She said one who cooks, have children, take care of
the house, wash clothes, etc. Is that really the
Barrington H. Brennen |
of a wife? That sounds more like the meaning of a paid
servant. Interestingly she also said that a wife listens
to her husband, who has the last say, and serves him,
because he is the head of the house. It is sad that it this
modern era far too many are still being taught the
inferiority of the genders.
concepts spill over in society where it continues to
perpetuate a male-dominated view of life; where men still
dominate just because they are men. Also where far too many
men still think of women as sex objects and not truly of
equal value. Having a Gender Equality Policy is designed
to remove these practices and more. It is designed to
protect and serve. It is designed to created policies that
create fairness and equal value under the law. It many not
change minds, but the policy will protect the rights and
freedoms of everyone. I look forward to the Gender Equality
Barrington H. Brennen is a marriage and family therapist and
board certified clinical psychotherapist, USA. Send your
questions or comments to or
write to P.O. Box CB-13019, Nassau, The Bahamas, or visit or
call 242-327-1980 or 242-477-4002